
Vlamstro is very positive about the future in Zimbabwe and the Southern African region. We have lived through the most amazing economic turbulences and come out stronger for it. What we have learnt is that the ability to adapt is the key to both survival and success.
Vlamstro takes this life skill and applies it in the solutions they provide to their customers.
The near future will see Vlamstro continue to identify and provide innovative solutions to our customers that focus on reducing operational costs, improve intrabusiness efficiency and streamline our customers’ business systems and processes.
  • I have personally witnessed Total Retail's extensive experience in the retail industry, where they have worked both locally and within the region. They have consistently provided excellent solutions to businesses of all sizes, catering to their unique requirements. Francis Muchuchu (FD) Spar - Retail
  • Total Retail's understanding of the Zimbabwean market and their dedication to meeting the needs of their customers make them an ideal partner for any retail business looking for a reliable and competent IT support company. Francis Muchuchu, (Finance Director) Spar Retail
  • Committed to lasting customer relationships, Total Retail offers reliable and consistent after-sales support, which has been a critical aspect of our working relationship. Their technical team is highly skilled and has demonstrated an exceptional ability to troubleshoot and provide solutions to complex issues. Mark Blackenberg, N. Richards Group